Comic Con Speed Dating
is a real-life event, presented by Super Playboy Fragrances (duh). Each session is just three minutes, so you're gonna have to make an impact, and fast. So, here are 15 pick-up lines you can use to make your move. Because that man dressed as Link — or woman dressed as Sailor Moon — could be the love of your life.
"I'll let you drive my Batmobile, if you think you can handle stick."
"I'd like to see your fortress of solitude."
"You must be a time lord 'cause baby you've made time stand still."
"Somebody contact Star Fleet 'cause you just beamed me up."
"I'm like Mjölnir — only the right man can pick me up."
"I'm like the Riddler — I'll keep you guessing all night."
"I'll make you scream like the black canary."
"I think you'd like me when I'm angry."
"Is your name Daenerys? 'Cause you've awoken my dragon."
"I'm like Wonder Woman's invisible jet: You never see me coming"
"Hey baby, want a ride in my big blue box? I'll let you see my sonic screwdriver!"
"It's not how big your sonic screw driver is, it's what you can do with it."
"Better hope the Doctor doesn't show up -- you look so good, I could Dalek you all over!"
"The fires of Mount Doom aren't nearly as hot as you are."
"Was your body forged by Sauron? 'Cause it looks precious."