Wine For Cats Is Now A Thing

1Photo: Via Kotaku
Okay, now we've seen it all. We thought we were the craziest cat ladies around, but we've been one-upped. Of course, we're still plenty cat-obsessed, it's just that we have to concede the top spot to Japanese company B&H Lifes. The pet supplement group just introduced a brand new product that is head-scratchingly unique: wine for cats. That's right, this is wine that you serve to your cat. Now, before everybody starts calling PETA, we should mention that this product doesn't actually have any alcohol. What it does contain is Cabernet grape juice, Vitamin C, and some sort of liquid catnip. You know, for those times when Mrs. Whiskerson really wants to kick back with a chilled glass of fake vino. We may balk, but we're pretty sure this stuff is going to sell out mighty quickly. (Kotaku)

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