Tinder: The Movie Is The Best Video You’ll Watch Today

Tinder is one of those apps you find out about and think to yourself, "I could have thought of that." Well, you didn't, but hey, thinking about its origins is pretty entertaining. You'd probably imagine a bunch of guys sitting around in their man-cave, bro-ing out about their lazy love lives.

"Man, where are all the chicks?"

"I don't know, dude. OkCupid?"

"Nah, too much effort. I wish there was an app, like, an app to check girls out like I'm at the bar."

"Like Hot or Not?"

"Bro, something more."

So, Tinder was birthed. Alright, that's probably not what happened; though, this parody video might offer better insight to its conception. It takes cues from 2010's The Social Network and goes from there. The boys at Bad Weather Films rather brilliantly poke fun at when people use Tinder (i.e. the toilet), how people use it (read: hot or not), and the sheer ridiculousness of using a virtual bar to find a date rather than, you know, actually going out and being social. Which, now that we think of it, why aren't we doing that? Perhaps a name change is in order: Hinder, the anti-social social dating app.

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