More bad news on the thong front. Dr. Rabin, associate professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, confirmed what most of us have long known: Thongs aren’t doing you any favors down there, ladies.
Sure, we know this isn't breaking news. There’s no denying that our favorite combatants against VPLs (visible panty lines) can be a bit, well, tight and are often uncomfortable — and don't even get us started on hygiene. But, can they really put your body at risk? According to Dr. Rabin, it depends on your personal health. "If somebody's healthy, there aren't really any dangers," she tells The Huffington Post. But, if you’re prone to infections, she advises you to steer clear. You see, the main culprit is not so much the thong itself but its fabric. (Lace and Lycra are not your friends, people.)
So, what's the doctor's advice? Always wear cotton, and get rid of those skinny jeans. (Easier said than done, doc.) And, if you’re an active type, then the thong definitely isn’t for you. The more you move about, the more you risk nasty infections and irritations. So, if you must wear them, wear cotton.
Those Bridget Jones granny panties aren’t looking so bad now, right? (The Huffington Post)