Apparently, each individual has a "cronotype," or a natural sleep rhythm. These are usually "characterized as early, intermediate, or late, corresponding, respectively, to people who voluntarily go to bed and wake early, at a moderate hour, or vampirishly late." So what if you (like most of us), have say a job that makes it just a wee bit difficult for you to stay in tune with your genetic rhythm? Turns out you probably will experience something called "social jet lag," which might just explain the reason why you're reaching for that extra cup of coffee and sugary doughnut, and/or are struggling to finish that very email you started writing about 30 minutes ago.
"Sleeping out of sync with your innate preferences can be detrimental to your health, especially for late chronotypes, who tend to be the most at odds with typical work schedule," explains the article. So detrimental, in fact, that it could put you at risk for health issues like depression, obesity, and a number of anxiety disorders.