Nutrition trends sometimes seem to fluctuate even faster than fashion trends. One day it's skinny jeans and low fat everything; the next day it's '90s-throwback jumpers and raw veganism. So, should we even listen? And, what happens when a whole lot of people jump on the wrong bandwagon?
Over at "Nutrition Authority," they've compiled 13 "nutrition lies" that have cost those who believed them dearly. It's an intriguing list, to say the least, and it offers a unique view into the nitty-gritty of the science behind our fave fad diets.
First off, it pretty much crushes the idea that low-fat, high-carb diets will help us lose weight. We've already been suspecting this one, but it gets into the facts about why fat can be good and why excessive carb consumption, even of the whole-grain variety, can lead us to pack on the pounds, not lose them. And, it sheds some light on the idea that vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters. They might often be, the article concedes, but suggests that the reason for this might be the healthy habits associated with vegetarianism not avoiding meat itself.
They also take on the vegetable oil versus butter debate and the always-controversial sugar war.
All in all, it's a riveting list of some commonly accepted diet truisms. When you read through the science, what do you think? Have we been following the wrong diet for years? (Business Insider)