WTF is a lionfish?
Lionfish are popular saltwater aquarium fish that are indigenous to the Indo-Pacific region. They can range in size from two to 18 inches, and weigh up to nearly three pounds. Voracious eaters, lionfish can consume animals up to half their size — and that puts about 70 percent of the fish population within their diet range.
Why can't they be stopped?
What makes lionfish formidable is their poisonous spines. In humans alone, the venom can cause extreme pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, breathing difficulties — you get the idea. In some instances, it can even be fatal. With this kind of defense system, lionfish are menacing; in an unprepared ecosystem like the Atlantic, where they have no natural predators besides humans, they simply demolish everything around them.
What can you do?
Eat them. Eat the hell out of them. Lionfish have tasty, semi-firm flesh that is mildly flavored and similar in texture to grouper. The flesh itself is not poisonous, but care must be taken to remove the poisonous spines before eating. The Reef Environmental Education Foundation even released a cookbook in order to spread the word. You can also check out this video tutorial to see how to prepare one. Delicious. (CNN)