Does It Pay To Stay Single?

1Designed by Ammiel Mendoza.
These days, more and more women are choosing to postpone marriage. Most of us do so because, well, life simply gets in the way. We're more dedicated to our careers than ever, and it's certainly no coincidence that the dating landscape is darn near impossible right now. But, there could be other advantages to a later-in-life wedding besides just having time to devote to yourself. That's right, we're talking moola. As reported by MSN Glo, there could be big bucks to be had for those of us who are living the single life a little longer than average.
First off, women who postpone marriage until after the age of 30 stand to earn a much larger salary than their betrothed counterparts. According to a study from the University of Virginia, that salary is $13,000 larger. Single ladies also tend to invest their hard-earned bucks in a smarter way, most likely because of their willingness to spend time doing research and consulting financial professionals. To top it off, it seems we-without-the-plus-ones also do a pretty good job of treating ourselves, with more disposable income to splurge on beauty treatments, clothes, and shoes.
Of course, it's not all roses and pedicures — there are some financial downfalls when you don't tie the knot. Banks are still a bit behind the times, so it's much harder for someone with a single income to get approval for that new dream house (not to mention the fact that our salaries still fall behind our male counterparts). And, singles seem to be worse off with 401ks — unmarried women in their 30s and 40s are on average $75,000 behind on retirement planning. Of course, we're not saying that these money markers should make or break your decision to tie the knot. When your true love comes calling, it's hard to say no. But, it does make those of us who haven't walked down the aisle feel that much more sure of ourselves. (MSN Glo)

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