Because you're vintage junkies (we'll see you at the next meeting, mmkay?), eBay is still one of your top destinations. But, part of the thrill of the e-auction site is knowing just how to massage its search functions to bring up some actually awesome stuff. It's not the most intuitive beast to tame, but for those who know how to strategically misspell search queries and e-mail vendors at just the right moment, that unfriendly usability is actually a good thing.
Those days seem to be over with eBay's huge, new redesign, which will restructure how users discover products. Modeled after social media platforms (most notably, Pinterest, with themed collection "boards"), the new eBay will allow users to "follow" non-vendor curators who promote certain products, including people as varied as Pharrell Williams and Joy Cho from Oh Joy!. Additionally, eBay will begin producing editorial content that is tailor-made to individual users based on the kinds of collections they've made and users they follow. Like how that sounds? Head over to eBay to play around with the new tools. (WWD)