We keep our lives moving pretty quickly — so quickly, in fact, that we sometimes forget to stop and take a minute to breathe. We sacrifice the ever-important "me" time for nights out with friends and other social obligations. We commit to projects at work that we can't truly handle. And, our smart phones have us seemingly on a 24/7-communication buzz. Before we know it, we're too exhausted to even change the channel on the TV, and we're suddenly tempted to just abandon all responsibilities. That starfish position you've adopted on your bed? That's the difference between stress and being completely burned out.
Alan Shelton, M.D., author of Transforming Burnout, says that stress is a huge factor toward burnout, as we tend to feel a loss of energy towards our profession as well as the sense of being totally depleted. (It should be no surprise, then, that burnout is rampant in the service industry.)
So, how do you know you're on the path to burnout before it's too late?
There are a few key indicators. You may notice that you're angry — a lot. In fact, it may have become your primary emotion. You may also notice that you've become very confrontational. Or, on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, that you no longer care to fight for the things you once so ardently cared about. The big red flag here, though, is feeling uninspired. If you can't get into a creative place — professionally or otherwise — the lack of motivation may be a real sign that you're just completely burned out. Check out Shelton's tips for keeping a balance in your life as to avoid the burnout. And, you know, maybe throw a "me" party tonight. (Huff Post)