Doutzen Kroes has admitted that the trickery and hocus pocus used to digitally perfect fashion images can have a negative impact on other women's self esteem.
“Sometimes it makes me feel guilty now that I am in this profession that makes certain girls insecure,” the Victoria’s Secret model told Page Six. “I always say, I don’t look like the picture . . . If you put me in bad light with no hair and makeup, it’s not good . . . I wake up sometimes like, this is not what I see when I look at the magazine, who is this visitor in the bathroom?”
Doutzen added that she's in favor of the new Model Alliance bill to protect younger models.
While we appreciate Doutzen's sentiments about photoshopping and airbrushing, and it's true that in certain instances digital enhancement has got ridiculous, we can't help but feel that there's a flaw to her logic. Sure Doutzen's hair is a mess and her skin tone isn't perfect when she wakes up, but, roughly speaking, she's still got the body and the face of a supermodel. Surely a more positive message would be that how you look should never dictate how you feel about yourself, and that what's inside is a whole lot more important? Anyway, that's our two cents worth on the subject.
(Page Six)
Photo: Via Vogue UK