Karl Lagerfeld is known for many things: his sunglasses, his leather driving gloves, his ponytail, and— perhaps most famously—his controversial bons mots. On the latter point, one area of speciality is the designer's tendency towards making offhand comments about 'fat people'. But a group called Je Suis Belle, Ronde, Sexy Et Je M'Assume—or in English "I'm beautiful, round, sexy and OK with it"—has filed a legal complaint against him in France, the Huffington Post reports.
The group's president Betty Aubriere said that they are accusing the Chanel designer of "defamatory and discriminatory comments".
"We're fed up. Many young girls are insecure and hearing such comments is terrible for them," she added. "Today it's him who insults us and tomorrow who will it be?"
Karl famously described Adele as "a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face", and in another interview stated that "no one wants to see curvy women".
By focusing on Lagerfeld, Aubriere said that she is hopeful that the group will ignite a debate about size prejudice across the wider fashion industry. The question is, will legal action be enough to change attitudes in the long-term?
(Huffington Post)
Photo: Via Huffington Post