This time of year, you’ll find us obsessively slathering on the hand sanitizer and guarding ourselves against any airborne diseases lurking about, because let’s be honest — who can really afford to call in sick?
Well, according to The Huffington Post a whopping 90% of office employees show up to work when they actually should be at home resting. Even worse? The statistic is actually up from 80% of respondents in last year's survey and 60% in 2011.
While this was an online survey — not rigorously scientific — the drastic increase of just these past three years is notable. The main reason? Employees didn’t want to fall behind on their workload. But, a day of semi-productivity puts their co-workers at risk of the flu and other viruses. Why is it that during this tech-advanced time, people are increasingly coming to work sick? Shouldn't constant online communication have solved some of the problem? Also of note — the U.S. Federal law does not require employers to offer any paid sick days. For many, missing out on a day of pay is a luxury they can't afford.
Just remember, you’re nowhere near as productive when you come to work with the flu. So, the bottom line? If you're in a financial situation where you can afford to do so, cough it up, click on the cartoons, and just take a sick day.