Isabel Marant For H&M Is Up For Grabs On Ebay

mainPhoto: Courtesy of H&M.
You’re probably already drumming up a shopping strategy for Thursday, November 14 — the day Isabel Marant for H&M officially hits the racks, the day we've all been waiting for with bated breath. (Our anxiety levels spike just thinking about how to get our mitts on that beaded jacket to the left.) But, if you can’t bear scrubbing another day off the iCal and need those garments now (like, right now) — you might want to open up a tab, head to eBay, and knock yourself out.
It seems like a handful of the coveted items are already up for grabs on the Bay-based auction site, though things are going for more than a pretty penny. A few sneaky shoppers, who probably scored the goods at Isabel Marant for H&M's Parisian preview soiree, are listing them at super-inflated prices. In the market for the leather pants? They'll cost you $923 on eBay, versus the actual price tag of $290. Ouch! We’ll just wait another week...thanks.

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