Lately, it seems like being a “foodie” is sort of mandatory. Cultivating an unhealthy obsession with the latest cute tapas place (or taco truck) continues to be super trendy, and with so many amazing options available at all hours of the day or night, it’s hard not to fall into the foodie trap.
But, there’s much more to being a foodie than beer-braised beef ribs and brunch. The healthy-food experts at Everyday Health compiled some nifty tips to make sure you’re maximizing your nutrient intake when you’re chowing down. First, cut down on products with added sugar and salt to minimize bloating and calorie intake.
You can also be smarter about choosing your protein sources — lentils or beans, for example, contain an insane amount of protein with very little fat. Another tip we love: using fresh herbs in your recipes, which add flavor without the need for excess fat or salt. Click through to check out the rest. (Everyday Health)