Our favorite pair of jeans is already what we throw on when we want to look amazing in a pinch, but we never really thought the old denim standby could work real, long-term magic. Yet, that's what Alexandre Herchcovitch seems to be suggesting with the release of his anti-cellulite jeans. Yes, that's exactly what it sounds like — and the Brazilian designer says he's got science to back him up.
As The Wall Street Journal reports, the new jeans are intended to trap body heat, turning it into infrared rays with the ability to combat cellulite problems. While we're pretty impressed by the idea of transforming our thighs with little exhaustion (like, as much as it takes you to zipper your fly), we have suspicions that this might be a bit too good to be true.
WSJ says that Herchcovitch, whose "beauty denim" debuted at Fashion Rio this past Saturday, has researched this new fashion technology for the past five years. But, there's no concrete evidence to back up his claims. And, considering some of the cellulite myths we've debunked already — including how weight loss, creams, and even UV light may not make the bumps disappear — our skepticism is admittedly high. In this case, we're going to need to see it to believe it. (Wall Street Journal)