My Bloody Valentine: Hammerstein Ballroom, November 11 and 12, $70
My Bloody Valentine took the music world by storm earlier this year when it released a new record out of the blue. Now that m b v has had some time to sink in, the band's NYC fans now get the chance to dig into the new material live. No one does it better, louder, or more beautiful than these guys.
Monday and Tuesday, November 11 and 12, 8 p.m., Hammerstein Ballroom, 311 West 34 Street (between 8th and 9th Avenues); 212-279-7740.
Cat Power: Brooklyn Masonic Temple, November 14 (7 and 11 p.m), $40
Still going strong following her triumphant return with Sun, Chan Marshall (a.k.a. Cat Power) will play back-to-back solo shows this Thursday at Brooklyn Masonic Temple. Get over to Fort Greene for some serious acoustic catharsis.
Thursday, November 14, 6:30 and 10:30 p.m., Brooklyn Masonic Temple, 317 Clermont Avenue #4 (at Lafayette Avenue); Brooklyn; 718-638-1256.
Jon Hopkins, Clark, Nathan Fake: Santos Party House, November 16, $17
British electronic producer Jon Hopkins' Immunity is one of the best dance records of 2013. (If you haven't heard it, you owe it to yourself to seek it out.) He'll be bringing his blend of silky electronic sounds to Santos this weekend.
Saturday, November 16, 7 p.m., Santos Party House; 96 Lafayette Street (between Walker and White Streets); 212-584-5492.