We love Julia Roberts. She is one of the few celebrities that will always be awesome and classy, even if she were to, say, go on Celebrity Apprentice or have a Britney moment. There's just something so polished, poised, and yet, real about her — something Hatha-haters might find missing in today's starlets. And, the recent interview from December's issue of
Marie Claire only confirms all of these opinions.
The Hollywood icon does not curse — to the point where a particularly expletive-riddled scene in the upcoming August: Osage County was a point of much rumination for her. And, Roberts certainly takes pride in raising her family, including preparing "three meals a day" for them.
But, some of the more salacious bits from the cover story, however, were about social media and the digital age. Roberts has an opinion on all of it, from social media, which she likens to "cotton candy" because "you just can't resist getting in there, and then you just end up with sticky fingers and it lasted an instant" to Google. She admits she never Googles herself: “I have too much potential for collapse." she tells Marie Claire. "There’s an anonymity that makes people feel safe to participate in hatefulness. I like a good old-fashioned fistfight if people are pissed off at each other. I just feel like if you’re really mad and want to have a fight, then put your dukes up.” Though, get real, we can't imagine Julia in a brawl.
As for the all-mighty Oscar? Roberts is frank: "Listen, every actor wants to win an Oscar, full stop." And, given the power and intensity in August (due out on Christmas Day) it's likely the actress might just get what she wants one more time. Click through to Marie Claire to read more on Roberts, her family, and why she admires Hilary Clinton. (Marie Claire)