According to the New York Post, there's an emerging trend among ladies who lunch: opting out of the afternoon meal to get their heels buffed instead. Rather than talk business over salad, the NYP reports that, more and more, women are taking their meetings to nail salons. "You could call it the more feminine — and far less tedious — version of golf," the article states. Because women need their meetings to be gender-biased, duh.
Maybe we're not fancy or high-powered enough for this sort of thing, but the thought of our colleagues seeing our feet while we talk shop is infinitely less appealing than a good old-fashioned lunch meeting. There's a certain intimacy when it comes to our bare feet, and it's hard enough letting a stranger have at our callouses (just kidding, we don't have callouses, only soft-as-butter fairy feet that smell like roses). And sure, we're all for having fun while working, but we're not sure we could get into this kind of entertainment with business associates.
What do you all think? Would you take a group pedi over a lunch meeting, or are you sticking to tradition? (
New York Post

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