Dogs Sing “We Are The World”-Style Song For Charity. Take THAT, Internet!

Fighting cancer is not just a two-legged battle, with one in four dogs dying due to the disease. So, in order to fund cancer research for our beloved family members, a Canadian group called Pet Trust created a video to raise awareness — and hopefully funds, too — for canine cancer research. "We Can Be Heroes" is a "We Are The World"-style video that has dogs (with different singing styles, of course) singing along to an encouraging song. There are huskies howling, pugs rapping, and retrievers, well, um, retrieving. While the song isn't going to blow up any charts, the video lets the pups take center stage and taps into typical music video tropes to keep the whole thing familiar — and adorable. Stick around to the end for a look at their very professional mixer, too. (Fast Co)

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