Whenever we're in the mood for something totally over-the-top or to feel better about our less-than-practical decisions, we turn to goop. Gwyneth Paltrow has basically cornered the ridiculous market, and we wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, the actress can get a bit preachy, but we generally respect (and get a kick out of) her total self-assuredness. Every year we look forward to the annual goop gift guide for a vacation from reality; when it arrived in our inboxes yesterday, we practically jumped with joy.
But, we were wholly disappointed: Almost everything on the list is adorable and/or something we actually want. Sure, there are still some unnecessary luxuries (bespoke monogrammed pajamas, $600 decorative alphabet lights), but not nearly to the level we hoped. We found ourselves "oohing" and "aahing" all over the place, thanks to the rustic plate sets, cheeky doormats, and artisan cheese sets. Have we been completely goop desensitized, or has Gwyneth gone just a little bit practical? Check it out for yourself, and let us know. (goop)