It's quaint to think that only 25 years ago, the mere idea of discussing pubic hair was scandalous. But, in the late '90s, around the same time that porn stars went totally hair-free, Gwyneth proclaimed her love of the Brazilian wax, and a massive wave of body-hair deforestation surged. Waxing, shaving, lasering — didn't matter how you lost your hair, as long as you did.
But times, they may be a-changing. According to an online poll by online pharmacy UK Medix, 51% of women are going full-on natural inside their skivvies. That means no styling, no grooming, and definitely, no hair removal. What's more, 62% of women polled say that their partner "prefers the natural look."
Now, to be fair, we're not clued into the variables of said poll; the relatively small sample of 1,870 women isn't necessarily representative of us all, and we're guessing that Baby Boomers and Millennials may have different pube-grooming tendencies. (We said may.)
Still, these researchers seem to be onto something, and there's something zeitgeist-y about the idea of letting one's hair grow free. As laid-back Hannah Horvath has replaced neurotic Carrie Bradshaw as HBO's resident It girl, and a you-do-you attitude has roared back into pop culture, a one-crotch-fits-all expectation feels outdated. Even if "everyone" used to go hair-free (and we'd bet decent money that "everyone" wasn't really everyone), it seems as though people are re-thinking the definition of "well-groomed" when it comes to our most private area. And, that's a good thing no matter how you tend to your own lady garden — or don't, as the case may be. (The Telegraph)
Schick Hydro Silk For Women razor, $11.69, available at Soap.com.
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