The question "What's your shirt size?" is rarely a simple one to answer. For most, it's "Medium, but I have to get things taken in at the waist, and the arms are usually too long." Or, "Large, but they always end up too wide. But, I can't go smaller, otherwise my stomach will show." European sizing sometimes offers more options, while, other times, your body shape and size fits perfectly with a particular brand. But, usually, getting off-the-rack shirts with S, M, L labeling is a bust for most of us. And, going totally bespoke is typically too expensive an alternative. What's a not-quite-small, -medium, or -large person to do?
Using 3-D body-scan data, STANTT is a new shirt brand on Kickstarter that has 50 sizes guaranteed to fit pretty much all men (they don't yet produce women's shirts). Taking arm length and waist and chest sizes into consideration, STANTT delivers 50 permutations of its slim-fit shirt (that also comes in six modern colors — no "Banker's Blue" here!). Just funded (literally — the Kickstarter ended at noon today 8,000% of goal!), the shirt is still up for grabs on its website. (Fast Company)