The Lean In movement has gotten so big that even The Onion wants in. The satirical periodical may not be printing papers anymore, but the team is still churning out, um, hard-hitting content. Today, The Onion is stepping in to help out women trying to get ahead in their careers with the video "The Onion's Tips For Succeeding As A Woman In The Workplace." It details all the things that we ladies can to do rise up that corporate ladder.
Sure, you may not actually want to try all of these suggestions, but it's nice to get a different perspective. Some of the things The Onion suggests include: Look for a vulnerable coworker you can openly humiliate. Keep a record of the number of hours you spend working and the number of hours your coworkers spend away from their desks. Both of these will distract from anything that you're doing wrong. You can also try articulating your points with fist pumps for continued emphasis. For more "helpful" tips, watch the video below. (The Onion)