Sarah Jessica Parker Joins Instagram — See The World Through Her Eyes

Celebrity Instagram feeds are pretty much the best thing ever. The red carpet gowns. The behind-the-scenes action. The party shots with Miley. It's all so good, and so glam.
Or not, if you're Sarah Jessica Parker. The actress has been on quite the social media tear lately, joining Twitter and now Instagram (obvs, we're following both). But, if you were hoping her Instagram feed would contain grainy pics of Manolo Blahnik heels, detail shots of evening gowns, or heck, even Matthew Broderick doing his best Ferris Bueller impersonation in the shower, you'll be sorely disappointed.
It seems that the Manhattan resident sees pretty much the same stuff as any New Yorker: street performers, ratty furniture dumped on the street, and litter. Among SJP's just-posted pics? A ballerina in the park, a crumpled cardboard sign advertising for single ladies, and a "gorgeous" 42nd Street subway sign that reminds her of jewelry. Can't say we've noticed.
To paraphrase a certain Ms. Carrie Bradshaw, we can't help but wonder if Parker is just humoring us until she completes her trek to Magnolia Bakery, or is genuinely enchanted by the grotty, gritty little details of urban living. Either way, we're saving our heart emojis for the inevitable pics of boiled hot dogs floating in water, subway pervs, and pigeons.

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