Peanut Butter Lovers, Rejoice: 8 Awesome, Healthy Recipes

peanutbutterembedPhoto: Courtesy Of Amazon.
Ever since Mom put peanut butter on our sandwiches (and our celery sticks — ants on a log, anyone?), we've been hopelessly obsessed with the stuff. It's creamy, just a little bit sweet, and provides a quick boost of energy while containing a significant amount of protein. It's basically the perfect food.
Well, it turns out that November just happens to be Peanut Butter Lovers' Month — not that we really needed any more reason to put peanut butter in anything and everything. In honor of PBLM, the super-creative folks at Everyday Health have rounded up a bunch of peanut-butter-centric recipes to help you celebrate. Thankfully, most of these ideas are downright healthy: peanut butter and banana smoothies with nonfat yogurt (great for a post-workout snack) to peanut butter cookies that weigh in at 74 calories a pop. We're not quite sure about that peanut butter hummus recipe, but we'll definitely be trying some of these. Which are you going to make first? Click through to Everyday Health for the full roundup. (Everyday Health)

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