We love turkey as much as the next carnivore (as evidenced by our hefty Thanksgiving dinner plates), but not so much when it's used to describe our necks. Sadly, that's the moniker some jerkface decided was the best to describe that particular part — because there wasn't enough insecurity around it and its close cousin, the double chin. However, while we hate the name, that doesn't mean we don't have neck anxiety. There, we said it.
We know we're going to get flak for this, but we just have a hard time accepting and being comfortable with this particular beauty qualm. We love ourselves and our bodies, but that doesn't stop us from sucking in our chin whenever someone lifts up their iPhone to take a group pic — it's like a Pavlovian response at this point. As the great Nora Ephron said, we feel bad about our necks.
Now, the logical side of our brains knows that there is nothing short of surgery or a plethora of laser treatments that will be able to rid us of these particular issues, but that hasn't stopped us from hopefully slathering on every single tightening potion under the sun, all to no avail. We realize no topical product can get rid of a double chin, but is it too much to ask that it at least makes it look a tad more contoured?
Enter Elemis' new Pro-Intense Lift Effect Super System (Elemis marketing team: 1, rest of the world: 0), which is a 30-day treatment that promises to decrease cheek sagging (yikes), minimize double chins, and create defined contours. The weekly system consists of 30 vials of Pro-Intense Lift Effect Super Serum, four Pro Intense Lift Effect Jowl and Chin Masks (more on that later), and sample sizes of the brand's Pro Intense Lift Effect Night Cream and Pro Intense Eye and Lip Contour Cream.
So, how does it work? Each morning, you open a vial and apply half of the Super Serum to your face, using its lifting massage technique (they've enclosed a handy leaflet to help teach you how), then follow up with the Eye and Lip Contour Cream on the corners of your eyes and on the mouth. At night, you use the rest of the serum and apply it in the same manner, then apply the night cream and finish up with the eye and lip cream. Seems pretty standard, no?
It is, until you get to the weekly mask: Resembling a jock strap for your face, you place the sling-shaped, stretchy, fiber mask onto your chin (just below the lip), hook the ends up and around your ears, and basically hoist your neck up for 20 minutes. When released, the mask creates a noticeable lift that really does make your chin look more defined.
Granted, the problem won't disappear, and the effects wear off after a few hours, but it's the most noticeable tightening and lifting effect we've ever experienced with a topical product. It is enhanced by the serum (you're supposed to apply the serum first, then the mask), but we're considering buying just the mask in bulk. They'd come in handy right before big events when we want our jaws to look taut and defined, a.k.a. always. Start selling these separately, please, Elemis!
Elemis Pro-Intense Lift Effect Super System, $248, available at Nordstrom.