We’ve experienced our fair share of peculiar celebrity kid names (yeah, we’re looking at you, Kimye and Gwyneth). But, for us mere mortals, there’s a new baby-naming trend taking over.
The Telegraph
reports that new research finds interest in naming babies after the Royal family is waning, as parents fear being labeled Kate copycats. According to a survey conducted by BabyCentre, Olivia tops the 2013 list for girls, and Oliver for boys.
So, if we’re not scrambling to name our offspring George or Catherine, then what are the names slowly rising to the top of the list? Skyler and Jesse. Yep, that's right: characters from Breaking Bad. The American crime series that has taken the world by storm is now influencing what we’ll call our (future) children for the rest of their lives. Frightening, much?
But, it turns out, we’re not stopping with Breaking Bad. BabyCentre’s research also found a spike in names such as Brody, Carrie, and Dana, a.k.a the lead characters in political thriller Homeland, along with the name Arya from Game of Thrones.
What do you think? Would you name your child after a TV show character? Or, the once-and-future king? Let us know in the comments below! (The Telegraph)