According to BuzzFeed, we invested in traditional American burger joints and diners in a big way, made ramen noodles a necessary food group (duh), and ate chicken like it was our last meal. Not only that, but we also snacked on popcorn outside of the movie theaters (peanut-satay or goat-cheese popcorn, anyone?) and ordered old-fashioned Aperol spritzers and sherry without a hint of irony. Of course, we’d like to add all-you-can-eat lobster, salted-caramel anything, bib-required BBQ, frozen-yogurt flurries, and delicious Bea's of Bloomsbury duffins to the list, too. Yep, it’s been a very good year for our bellies, but what's to come in 2014? What would you like to see on your plates? To the comments, people. (BuzzFeed)