Delicious: The London Foodie Trends That Rocked Our Plate This Year

016_Ramen_WarakuPhotographed by Maria Del Rio.
We’re feeling pretty hungry after checking out BuzzFeed’s latest list, which rounds up the food trends that had us coming back for more, again and again, in 2013. Yes, it’s certainly been a pretty de-licious 12 months in the capital. So, what exactly were we buying into tucking into this year?

According to BuzzFeed, we invested in traditional American burger joints and diners in a big way, made ramen noodles a necessary food group (duh), and ate chicken like it was our last meal. Not only that, but we also snacked on popcorn outside of the movie theaters (peanut-satay or goat-cheese popcorn, anyone?) and ordered old-fashioned Aperol spritzers and sherry without a hint of irony. Of course, we’d like to add all-you-can-eat lobster, salted-caramel anything, bib-required BBQ, frozen-yogurt flurries, and delicious Bea's of Bloomsbury duffins to the list, too. Yep, it’s been a very good year for our bellies, but what's to come in 2014? What would you like to see on your plates? To the comments, people. (BuzzFeed)


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