The Post-Pregnancy Mommy Wars Are A Thing Now

Maybe you thought there was a time in a woman's life when she was safe from intense body scrutiny. Namely, the days following pushing another human life out of her body. Well, not anymore now that an Instagram photo from Swedish fitness blogger Caroline Berg Eriksen started making the Internet rounds today.
The shot, taken a mere four days after the birth of her daughter, has reawakened intense discussion around what, exactly, a woman should or shouldn't look like so soon after their pregnancy. It was only last month that a photo of Maria Kang (a.k.a. "fit mom") went viral. The pic featured Kang looking svelte in a sports bra alongside her children, with the caption, "What's Your Excuse?"
Much like "fit mom," Eriksen's pic has elicited intense backlash and intense support. Comments range from accusing the new mom of shaming other, less-toned new mothers to many variations of "haters gonna hate." What do you think? Is this new mother's photo setting an unreasonable precedent for other women or is she simply showcasing the effects of a very fit pregnancy?

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