If you thought Kim Kardashian's last wedding was a tad OTT, you may want to start searching Airbnb now for a nice, quiet cave to hide in for the next year or so. Things are about to get ridiculous, folks.
It seems that Kardashian and self-appointed Sun King Kanye West have set their sights on tying the knot at the Palace of Versailles, the opulent home to the French royal family before that whole pesky French Revolution. What, was the Vatican booked?
"Kanye has never been married and wants a big [wedding]," a source reveals, while another insider confirms that the "Bound 2" duo "are not working with a budget." Clearly.
Far be it from us to tell anyone how to celebrate their big day, but given that Kardashian's last lavish ceremony cost her $138,888 per day (based on a measly 72 days of holy matrimony), a little prudence wouldn't go amiss. Then again, what better place for today's most outlandish couple to get hitched than the former abode of Marie "More Is More" Antoinette? Let them eat wedding cake! (Us Weekly)