10 Apps To Keep You Organized (& Sane) Through The Holidays

AppsPhoto: Courtesy Of Food52; Freshbox; Yummly.
Is it just us or does it seem like the stresses that bear down on us every day multiply exponentially as the holidays creep closer? With parties, gift shopping, and menu planning closing in, it's overwhelming just to even think about all the organizing necessary to remain the slightest bit calm. And, if you're anything like us, you know that wellness goals are the first thing to fall by the wayside in the ensuing chaos.
Luckily, as with many things in life, it turns out that there's an app for that — or, more accurately, 10. Everyday Health has rounded up the very best iPhone apps that promise to magically transform your life from straight-up crazy to crazy-organized. Food and recipe apps from Food52, Yummly, and The New York Times-endorsed foodie Mark Bittman, for example, help you plan your menus, make grocery shopping a bit less painful, and show you how to cook everything, respectively. Our favorite, though, might just be Coupon Sherpa, which renders that terrifying coupon stash definitively obsolete.
Want the full list? Click through to Everyday Health.

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