Our first thought upon seeing the new poster for season three of Girls was that it was a major departure for all of the Brooklyn ladies. After all, their raison d'être isn't exactly wearing ball gowns and hanging out in hotel suites. We were slightly confused about what it all meant, but luckily, Fashionista got the inside scoop from the shoot's stylist, Shirley Kurata. As it turns out, the gowns weren't meant to be glamorous, but rather to challenge the stereotypical princess image.
"The cast embraces how messy and imperfect life can be, as they struggle to make sense of their lives and relationships," Kurata told the site. "It was decided from the beginning that they would be in gowns, but it wasn’t so much to show the glamour of their lives, but the struggles and angst of their 'happily whatever after' existence. I call it the antithesis of the Cinderella story." She called in all sorts of vintage dresses, because she felt that they were more realistic based on the characters' lives and financial situations.
Of course, the stylist warns that we shouldn't read too much into it all. "I don’t think there’s any connection with this shoot to the what happens in the show," said Kurata. "This is more of a make-believe scenario." (Fashionista)