When it comes to synthetic hair accessories, our gut reaction is dislike. But, when we saw Nicole Richie's pretty, chic 'do involving a twisty hair headband, we were immediately excited. The way she slicked down her hair with a deep side part prevented the cheese factor that tends to accompany fake hair. And, even though neither the texture nor the color of the headband matches her actual locks, it's working for her.
We have a feeling it's the twisty nature of this accessory that makes it so cute. A full-on braid would look too much like prom. Plus, we like our braids to be messier than synthetic hair allows for. Instead, this tight twist almost makes Richie look like a Greek statue (her ultra-sculpted jawline helps). Someone with really long hair could definitely recreate this naturally, but those of us with bobs and pixie situations should take note: Hair accessories don't automatically equal tacky. Thank you, Nicole Richie, for providing this life lesson.
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