6 Bad Work Habits To Nix Before Next Year

04_IMG_2651_ChristyKurtzPhotographed by Christy Kurtz.
Buried in deadlines but can't seem to stop daydreaming about your winter vacation? We hear ya. The weeks leading up to the holidays are notoriously trying, be it from an insane exam schedule, work projects that need to be wrapped up, or an out-of-control social calendar. These days can wear on even the most resilient folks, and, with all of that stress, it's easy to pick up some pretty terrible practices.
Her Campus zeroed in on six habits wrecking students this time of year that extend beyond the scope of higher education. From too much multitasking and skimping on your sleep to relying on last-minute cram sessions in front of the TV, these tendencies not only affect your grades but also your well-being. Head over to Her Campus to read up on how a few simple adjustments can make for a much smoother December — and hopefully an A-plus winter break. (Her Campus)

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