LinkedIn Users: Stop Calling Yourselves “Responsible”

1Photo: Courtesy of LinkedIn.
Building an online resumé can be a tricky business. After all, this is a summary of your work history (and career successes) that anyone can view anytime they want. Scary. When writing about yourself, it's easy to steer towards those seemingly strong buzzwords: "responsible," "organizational," "strategery." (Okay, maybe not so much with that last one). But, we're here to tell you it's time to bust out the thesaurus.
LinkedIn just released its annual list of the most overused words and it seems that users call themselves "responsible" more than ever before. Other repeat offenders include "strategic," "effective," "creative," and "expert." You may be tempted to drop in these clicky phrases left and right when you're beefing up your profile, but you won't be distinguishing yourself from the crowd. It's time to rethink your summary and truly put that creativity to work.

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