Just as we thought no other tome could surpass the horror of Fifty Shades of Grey, an Italian journalist has stepped forward with her own brand of controversy. Costanza Miriano’s Cásate y Sé Sumisa (Get Married and Be Submissive) has sold over 100,00 copies and is so fiercely divisive that even the Catholic Church felt compelled to comment.
Cásate y Sé Sumisa offers the reader blunt guidance on mastering the role of the “perfect wife.” So far, all it’s done is attract the wrath of feminist groups and political figures, with only a minority in favour.
What does Miriano's best-selling book propose that’s pushing modern women over the edge? Well, for those seeking post-marriage career advice, Miriano writes: “Women forget that they can’t have it all: working like a man and being at home like a woman. Power is not designed for women.” Woah. But, there’s more.
Rather than conveying the idea of a harmoniously equal marriage, Miriano believes “we are not equal to men. When you have to choose between what he likes and what you like, choose in his favor.” Now are you feeling a little heated under the collar?
Considering her definition of marriage, which reads as “You must submit to him” and “When your husband tells you something, you should listen as if it were God speaking,” a backlash from the free-spirited and independent female population isn’t surprising.
Undoubtedly, the foundation of a strong relationship — married or not — is equality and respect. Miriano’s segmented view isn’t representative of the view many women hold of marriage today, and boy, are we glad about that! Real-life Stepford wives, we think not. (The Telegraph)