Prada never stopped making them. The Adidas version is legendary. Even Margiela has produced its split-toed spin on 'em. We're speaking, of course, about the slide: that special, single-banded shoe that's not quite a sandal, not quite a mule, but is definitely beloved by locker-room showerers and poolside loungers everywhere.
And, now, Chloé presents the ultimate rich-lady slide. Retailing at Saks for a whopping $840 (with some sizes already sold out), we admit to having mixed feelings about these — and this is coming from avowed fans of the ugly shoe. They're definitely pretty cool looking, and we can see them as the cornerstone of some fancy lady's holiday-in-Cabo wardrobe (you heard it here first, Beyoncé). But, can we talk about that sticker price for one sec? Sure, they're priced similarly to that other hotly debated designer sandal, the Céline fur-kenstock. But, the Céline shoes are lined in mink, whereas these rubber kicks are one metal strip away from being either glorified pedicure sandals or perfect for warding off athlete's foot in our gym's showers.
So, if you need a good knock-around shoe and you recently found a sack full of money, go for these Chloé slides. If not, ahem, those Adidas jams are a mere 30 bucks...