Normally, the quickest way to elicit an eye roll out of us is to brag about all the weight you lost, like, two seconds after giving birth. We get it — you're a superwoman. Congratulations on looking hotter than us mere mortals who don't even have a baby to blame for our cellulite and wobbly bits.
That said, we actually can't fault Amber Rose (a.k.a. Mrs. Wiz Khalifa) for her post-baby pics on Instagram. Sure, her toned tummy is putting us off our gingerbread men. Yes, our natural instinct is to begrudge anyone who looks that good in booty shorts. But, no, we just can't throw shade.
Why? Because the proud mama to ten-month-old Sebastian is totally up front about the effort she made to look this good. She also reaffirms our belief that it's just not realistic to sneeze out a baby and be back in your skinny jeans the next day.
"I’m almost at my goal weight," she posted three weeks ago. "Just 7 pounds to go! Absolutely no surgery just diet & exercise. Most celebs give u false hope when u have a baby (my son was 9lbs) and in 3 months ur supposed to be skinny again. It’s not realistic in most cases. It takes 6 weeks to heal before u could even work out. Anyway, the moral of the story is losing baby weight the natural way takes longer but it’s much healthier for ur body."
Hear, hear. We appreciate Rose for telling it like it is. You've earned those booty shorts, lady. (Pink Is The New Blog)