More Angora Off The Market: Topshop, ASOS, & Calvin Klein Follow Suit

angoraPhoto: Courtesy of Topshop.
One by one, retailers are halting the production of angora clothing. It's all thanks to a recently released PETA film that reveals the cruel means by which the material is sourced and shows rabbits being tortured at angora farms in China for the sake of the fuzzy fabric. And, some big-name retailers are paying attention.
While H&M and Acne announced their bans back in November, today we find out that Topshop, Stella McCartney, Whistles, ASOS, and Calvin Klein, as well as all PVH Corp. brands, are following suit. This is not a matter that will be ignored by the fashion industry or us, as consumers. While animal cruelty and poor work environments of any kind are no small matter, this one in particular seems to really be striking a chord with mass brands. The aforementioned labels have promised to refrain from using the animal fur, though others, including Zara, have not made this commitment. According to, Zara has refused to participate. And, for companies and shoppers still resistant to change, this statement from PETA executive vice president, Tracy Reiman, may have you thinking differently:
"PETA is meeting with dozens of companies worldwide to urge them to ban angora and pull all angora products from their shelves. There are numerous companies that have taken the first step, halting production, but consumers, who are just now seeing for the first time the footage of rabbits who are tied down and their fur ripped out as the gentle animals scream in fear and pain, are angry that these companies have chosen to squeeze every last dime out of these rabbits by continuing to sell off their current stocks. We need them to pull the cruel angora products off the shelves today. Companies — such as Gap Inc. — have failed to take any action whatsoever and will bear the brunt of their soon-to-be-ex-customers' anger."
We'll stay on top of the ban as — we highly suspect — it continues. And, hopefully the solution will not only bring a stop to the use of angora, but also a closer look and call to action to end all kinds of inhumane fashion practices.

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