Apple’s Holiday Commercial Makes Techies Look Like Total Sweethearts

After watching Apple’s holiday commercial, you’re going to wish your iPhone screen was waterproof because this advertisement will bring on the tears. Throughout most of the video, a middle-school-aged boy annoyingly refuses to put down his device and actually pay attention to his utterly adorable family during snowball fights and ice-skating outings. But, before you start thinking this proves everything that is wrong with the next generation, things take a heart-melting sentimental turn for the absolute best.
At the end, when the family is gathered ‘round the tube, the iPhone-aholic syncs his device to the TV and shows he wasn’t live tweeting his family’s shenanigans like most adolescents. Instead, he was documenting all the cutesy moments for a film that makes Grandma, Mom, and us bawl our eyes out. The lesson to learn here? Your seemingly bratty “can’t-live-in-the-moment” relative might actually be plotting to give you some tender warm fuzzies, after all. See for yourself below — just don't be surprised if you feel like scheduling some Facetime with your folks when it's over.