Could Email Be Ruining Your Day?

newyorktimes-20Photographed by Molly DeCoudreaux.

If there’s one thing that helps us focus before we dive into our day, it’s glancing over our emails to evaluate what we have in store for the next few hours. We’ll admit it — we’re obsessive about this, instantly reaching for our iPhones in those early hours.
But, despite how the aforementioned behavior is discouraged by tech naysayers, Fast Company has a case for both sides.

In a new article, the publication says that there is a case to be made as to why you should (and shouldn’t) log onto your email the instant you wake up. Essentially, it boils down to what type of person you are, the kind of emails you’re receiving, and how well you know yourself. For instance: A reason why you might not want to check in so quickly? By responding or reacting to someone else’s priorities, you shift the focus off your own. On the flipside, if you’re able to just skim through and then get back to your own thing, like brushing your teeth, then knock yourself out. As they say, to each their own.