LinkedIn’s Most Attractive Skills To Boast

anneembedIllustrated by Sydney Hass.
We've all probably spent too much time perfecting our LinkedIn profiles for the purpose of online recruiting. A photo that's interesting but not unprofessional, skills listed in the right order, and a description that doesn't sound totally inane and boring — it's tough stuff. On the other hand, the business-networking site provides quite a bit of data to shed light on just what works and what doesn't. The latest insights for your future online stalking needs come in the form of the most desirable skills that got people hired in 2013.
Not surprisingly, in a year that was quite robust for tech start-ups, programming abilities were a huge draw. However, the number one was "social media marketing." Add that to your profile, stat. It's not a spend hours on Facebook, right?
Mad social media skills was followed by mobile development, cloud and distributed computing, Perl/Python/Ruby, and statistical analytics and data mining. While many of the entries on the full list are very computer-science based, it's interesting to note which other skills wormed their way into the top spots. In addition to social marketing, business development/relationship management, user testing, and PR were listed as skills that made employers look twice. So, basically, if you're not so good with code, you better be a people person.
Check out the full list over on LinkedIn, then try and update your profile with this info before everyone else beats you to it.

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