We just can't. Nssmag.com has created well, for lack of a more delicate way of saying this, the raunchiest, most totally NSFW fashion quiz ever, on its new Fashion or Porn mini-site. Quite simply, players are presented with a detail of a larger image and asked whether it's fashion or porn. Once you've answered, the site reveals the full image, which is either a sensual image lensed by one of many talented, albeit subversive, fashion photographers or an image that's so straight-up explicit, you'll be in the Human Resources hot seat before you can say, "Terry Richardson."
Now, aside from being very, very funny, Fashion or Porn does speak to that larger, ongoing dialogue about the blurred lines of art, commerce, decency, and indecency that surround both editorial and pornographic photography.
Moreover, it points to the implicit way females are photographed, be it posing for a multimillion-dollar lipstick campaign by a well-credited "genius," or somewhere in Porn Valley, participating in shoots that are explicitly created for the male gaze. Take away just a few elements (like the face), and they're eyebrow-raisingly similar. Hey, even we, ardent consumers of fashion imagery, couldn't score 40 out of 40 on this one. It's really hard, you guys. (Fashion or Porn)
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