Understand the psychological reason you pick at your skin.
If you pick at your blemishes, chances are you do this simply to make a blemish go away faster. But, if you're someone who picks at your skin compulsively — even when no blemishes are present — you may have a serious condition called Dermatillomania, which can lead to severe skin scarring. If this sounds like you, consult with a physician or holistic professional to find ways to get this under control It's not a common condition, but it can be alarming.
Keep your hands busy.
The No Picking! Twisty Toy is a fun, twisty gadget that helps keep your hands busy and off your face. This is ideal to use when watching TV, sitting at your desk, or anytime you feel the need to touch your face or pick. (Even if you're not a picker, it's a great stress-reliever!)

Sign the No Picking Contract.
When setting a goal, we all can use some accountability. I created this free, downloadable contract that you can sign to commit to keeping your hands off your face. Show it to your spouse or a friend and tape it on your bathroom mirror so you can keep it top-of-mind while having someone else to keep you accountable.
Reduce temptation to pick by preventing blemishes.
Obviously, never getting a blemish would resolve the urge to pick. But, because that's next to impossible, be sure you're using the right products to prevent breakouts. Salicylic acid is one of my favorites for both preventing and fading blemishes: It not only penetrates pores and reduces bacteria, but it exfoliates surface cells to fade acne marks. Be sure to consult with a trusted professional to suggest a personalized skin routine for your skin type and needs.

Treat blemishes right.
If a blemish pops up, make sure you are treating it correctly. For acne cysts — those hard, sore bumps under the skin that linger for weeks — the best bet is to leave it alone. Traditional spot treatments will only dry out skin. Instead apply ice or use a treatment specially formulated for cysts.
Don’t interfere with the natural healing process.
Here's some food for thought: When a smoker finally decides to quit smoking, the lungs can start to heal themselves from the damage with the nicotine. When you accidentally cut yourself, the skin quickly stimulates repair processes to help close and heal the wound. When it comes to blemishes, your skin will do everything it can to get it to heal and go away — even if you don't treat it with a topical spot treatment. (note: The tooth is the only part of the human body that can’t repair itself.) It’s important to be mindful of letting your body do its work to heal a blemish without you disrupting the repair process.