President Barack Obama recently sat down with the comedian Steve Harvey on his afternoon talk show, and you can bet some amazing sound bites resulted. Naturally, their witty conversation turned to one of the nation's favorite topics: Sasha, 12, and Malia, 15. Harvey asked how Obama is coping with them becoming young women who may, you know, want to start dating soon.
With diplomatic stealth, of course. “Malia and Sasha are very sensible, so I trust them to make good decisions,” the president told Harvey. And, if something goes awry? "I’ve got men with guns following them around all the time." He added jokingly: "Hey, this is the main reason I ran for re-election. You know I’m gonna have ‘em covered for most of high school."
Obama also shared some sincere dating wisdom he's imparted to his daughters. "What I’ve told them before is, as long as that young man is showing you respect, and is kind to you, then I’m not going to be hovering over every second. But, I’m counting on you to have the self-respect to make sure that anybody who you’re going out with comes correct. And, hopefully they’ve seen how I treat Michelle."
No matter what your politics, it's hard to argue with true blue advice like that. (Business Insider)