Ryan Murphy Shares The Glee Ending He Always Dreamed Of

rachel-finn1courtesy of Fox
Quick disclaimer: this may be a tough bit of news for all the Gleeks out there, especially during the holiday season, so if you don't want to cry into your egg nog, you may want to skip this.
At a private memorial held for Cory Monteith in July, the Glee creator told mourners what he had originally envisioned for Glee's final episode, had he not had to rearrange everything after Monteith's untimely death. Entertainment Weekly has made the transcript available for our weeping pleasure. “The ending of Glee is something I have never shared with anyone, but I always knew it.” Ryan admitted." I’ve always relied on it as a source of comfort, a North Star."
His vision? Rachel (Lea Michele) becomes a big Broadway star while Finn stays in Ohio to teach, and head the school's Glee cub, of course. "The very last line of dialogue was to be this" Ryan continued. "Rachel comes back to Ohio, fulfilled and yet not, and walks into Finn’s glee club. ‘What are you doing here?’ he would ask. ‘I’m home,’ she would reply. Fade out. The end.”
Aaaand cue the tears. (Entertainment Weekly)

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