Overdid It? Here’s How To Recover (The Paleo Way)

vertical_bittersPhoto: Courtesy Of Sazerac Company.
Unfortunately, this is the time of year when we all wake up with a headache. Beginning today, our holiday overindulgences set in full-force. So, what are some great methods for cleansing the body and getting back on track? Over at Mark's Daily Apple, a blog about primal living, there's some fantastic advice for how to help what ails you. No, not over-the-top, hardcore cleanses. But rather, totally attainable little fixes we can do right now to combat that post-Pinot morning.
First, against conventional advice, Mark advises us to fast in the morning if we're not feeling up to eating. While lots of hangover cures suggest greasy food or a hearty piece of toast with an egg, Mark suggests listening to your body. If it's saying, "Don't eat," then don't.
Drink tea (though, not caffeinated if you can help it). And, you can also try the age-old cure of taking some bitters. No, that's not license to make yourself an old-fashioned; it's the herbs found in bitters that can have a restorative effect. Plus, you don't need to sprinkle them on your favorite cocktail for them to work their magic.
And, because studies show that gut bacteria is remarkably malleable, it only take a few days of going off the rails (diet-wise) to alter your bacterial balance. If one too many servings of stuffing has left you feeling bloated, try a probiotic.
Ready to readjust your body using primal advice? Click through to read the entire list of what you should be doing to help your body heal. (Mark's Daily Apple)

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