Save Your Smartphone Battery From Impending Death

embedpowerrrPhoto: Courtesy of Apple.
There is, perhaps, no better time to reflect on your many foibles and flaws than the year's end. After all, you'll be better in 2014, right?
You might not be able to cut carbs or pay off your debt — good luck, though! — but you can start with the very simple act of becoming a more conscientious smartphone owner. Gizmodo's Eric Limer has a few simple tips and tricks for treating your battery right and ensuring a longer lifespan. It's sort of like a human: Feed it lard and corn syrup — or the metaphorical equivalent — and you can't expect it to last too long. "Teach" it to reach its capacity, and it might just outlive you.
Limer's suggestions? Keep your battery cool, forget about induction chargers, and never let it completely run out of juice. Of course, there's technique to all that, too. Check it out all of Limer's tips here. (Gizmodo)

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