How To Combine Your TV Addiction With Your Fitness Routine

As the holiday season draws to a close, many of us are coming off of days — okay, maybe weeks — where our health and fitness goals have been put on the back burner. Well, the new year is upon us, so now is the time to begin thinking about getting back on that wagon.
Of course, we've all experienced the disappointment of committing ourselves to some extreme regime January 1 only to totally fall off by February. New lifestyle goals are important, but if the shift isn't sustainable, then it's not going to benefit us long-term. So, if you've built up a bit of a Netflix habit as the days have gotten shorter, why not commit to using that TV time to work up a sweat?
The helpful folks at Netflix have put together a handy guide to exactly how many calories you can burn doing various forms of cardio during your favorite shows. Of course, any service you use to watch TV or movies will suffice. Bingeing on American Horror Story tonight? Step on a treadmill going only four miles per hour and you can work off over 300 calories while you watch. And, the benefit of tuning into an engrossing show while you work out is that you'll often trick yourself into staying on a bit longer than usual.
Since most of us don't have cardio equipment sitting in our apartments, watching a movie or television while doing some simple strengthening exercises — squats, lunges, or bicep curls — can also be a great way to put those Law and Order: SVU reruns to good use. Check out all the stats below.
netflixImage Courtesy Of Netflix.

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